How to use Online PDF to HTML Converter


Upload your PDF file

The first step begins with the upload of your PDF file, which you want to convert to HTML.

You have some advanced options, if needed:

  • First page to convert: If you want, you can start the convertion from the given 'first page'.
  • Last page to convert: If you want, you can stop the convertion to the given 'last page'.
  • Generate sub pages (HTML Frames) and a Table of Content: A global File with the Table of Content will be generated and every page will be as sub HTML page generated and linked.
  • Ignore images in PDF file: The images contained in the PDF file will be ignored and not be converted (exported) and shown in the HTML output.
  • Password: If your PDF ist protected with a password (encrypted PDF), you need to enter its password here.


Convert the PDF file

The second step is really easy! Just click on the button Convert the PDF and wait until we processed the file!


Download the HTML file

The last step is also quite easy! Just download the newly created HTML file by clicking the button Download.
The uploaded PDF file was already deleted from our servers during the process. And for the new generated one, it will stay available for you 30 minutes after the processing. Beyond this point, it will be automatically and permanently deleted from our servers!


Delete All Datas

If you wish, you don't need to wait 30 minutes. You can simply force the permanent deletion of your HTML File by clicking on the button Delete all Datas.

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